Bard of Blood: An Insult to Pakistan and Its People

Bard of Blood Poster

As I sat down to watch Netflix's original series "Bard of Blood", I was excited to dive into a thrilling spy thriller. Little did I know that I was about to witness a cringeworthy and culturally insensitive portrayal of Pakistan and its people. The show's blatant disregard for Pakistani culture, religion, and national pride left me seething with anger.

A Misrepresentation of Pakistani Identity

From the get-go, it's clear that the creators of "Bard of Blood" have a skewed understanding of Pakistani values and traditions. The show's portrayal of Pakistani characters is replete with stereotypes, reinforcing damaging and inaccurate stereotypes about the Pakistani people. The characters are reduced to simplistic, one-dimensional caricatures, stripped of their agency and dignity.

Religious Insensitivity

The show's treatment of Islam, the religion of the majority of Pakistanis, is nothing short of appalling. The creators seem to have no qualms about using Islam as a prop, twisting and distorting its teachings to fit their own narrative. The show's portrayal of religious extremism is heavy-handed and reductionist, perpetuating harmful stereotypes about Muslims.

A Nation's Pride Trampled

Pakistan, as a nation, is depicted as a hotbed of terrorism and extremism, where violence and chaos reign supreme. This gross misrepresentation of a nation that has given so much to the world is an insult to the very fabric of Pakistani society. The show's creators seem to have ignored the rich cultural heritage, the vibrant history, and the resilience of the Pakistani people.

A Call to Action

As I watched "Bard of Blood", I couldn't help but feel a sense of outrage and betrayal. How could a supposedly prestigious streaming platform like Netflix condone and promote such a gross misrepresentation of an entire nation and its people? It's high time we, as Pakistanis, demand better. We deserve better.

Justice from India?

In a bizarre twist, Netflix has chosen to partner with Indian production companies to produce content that demonizes Pakistan and its people. It's a slap in the face of Pakistani citizens, who have always been friendly towards India despite the historical tensions between the two nations. One can't help but wonder - what's the agenda behind such a move?


In conclusion, "Bard of Blood" is a thoughtless, insensitive, and inaccurate portrayal of Pakistan and its people. It's a slap in the face of Pakistani values, culture, and national pride. As Pakistanis, we deserve respect, dignity, and accuracy in our representation on global platforms. It's time we demand justice from India and Netflix - justice for the harm caused to our national identity and the betrayal of our trust.

Rating: (Zero stars, if I could)
Recommendation: Avoid this show like the plague. Instead, look for content that celebrates Pakistani culture, showcases our rich heritage, and promotes cross-cultural understanding.